The Strongest Instinct

DONOR STORY by Hannah- about her Maremma, Ammo’s protective instinct going further than the field.

I got Ammo as a protector. As a dog that I could one day rely on to save my life. Being a Maremma, I knew this wasn’t a tall order and year after year of ownership he has proven over and over just what a valuable asset he was and still is.
He lives life with an air of calm self-control. Knowing that his job is important and life-saving. But, the thing about Ammo, is that his job goes beyond the property boundary. He saves lives in more than one way.


Ammo gives his blood so that other dogs have a chance at living. He enters the vet with the same calmness that follows him throughout life, sits for his injection and lies still as his strength and promise is passed on to another dog who has none of either.

I couldn’t be more proud of Ammo and his ability to look after more than just his home and his family. Now Ammo is aging and is no longer strong enough to donate, but the dogs he saved continue to live healthy lives because of him. My new dog Finn has now stepped into his giant shoes and will continue where Ammo left off.

There is nothing better than spending treasured moments with your dog and knowing that, because of their gift, another owner now has the same joy. Donate and save lives.

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